Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Way of Life

Hello.. Just a space for me to communicate to you guys..

Just like to quote for all of you something I have from St. Francis de Sales. It's called 'A Way of Life'

Do not consider the importance of the things you do, for of themselves they are insignificant; consider only the dignity they have in being willed by God's will, arranged by His Providence, and planned according to His Wisdom. In a word, if they are pleasing to God and acknowledged to be so, to whom should they be displeasing?...

Do not love anything too much. I beg you, not even virtues, which we sometimes lose by our excessive zeal. It seems to me that white is not the colour proper to roses; for red roses are more beautiful and more fragrant; however, white is the distinctive characteristic of lilies. Let us be what we are and be that well, in order to bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork we are. People laughed at the painter who, intending to paint a horse, came up with a perfect bull; the work was handsome in itself, but not credit to the artist who had had other plans and succeeded in this only by chance. Let us be what God wants us to be, and let us not be what we would like to be, contrary to His intention. Even if we were the most perfect creatures under heaven, what good would that do us if we were not as God's will would have us to be?

-St. Francis de Sales

Please pray for me as I am going through some struggles in letting go and letting God mold me into what He wants me to be.