Sunday, July 22, 2007

evan almighty!

Hey Jason, I agree with you.. When you face natural disasters and everything is not within your control, you tend to take things more easily and try your best to get up and get going. In Singapore, everything is so well taken care of that Singaporeans complain and mull over the silliest things.. We are very blessed in that sense but alos undeniably spoilt. Your flood experience inspired me to name this entry as the new movie on the modern day Noah. I say we make this a community event!! What say SP?!

Anyway, sorry guys for vanishing into thin air. I just happen to travel every weekend and am very caught up with work. SORRY!! Miss all your company. Today's reading on martha and Mary reminds me to take time off to just enjoy the presence of the Lord and to receive from everyone I meet. How easy it is for me to judge people sometimes and think that I know more or I have more to offer. I regret those times where encounters with others could have been something more if I had only opened my heart.

ok, gtg do work soon.. take care all of u and Jason, hope you don't catch a cold in that dreadful weather!

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