Thursday, March 29, 2007

My job here solely was to edit the template and try to work out a tag board and links to the other blogs..but looking at the javascript just now made me realise how rusty i am. So, i'll try to do it later...or perhaps get another person to do it.

But reading your post, prompted me to make some reflections of my own. And as much as i belong to another cell group, i will be thick-skinned enough to make this small 'intrusion'. :)

Our inadequacy constantly prompts us to make wild judgments about ourselves and others. It is important to note that inferiority goes hand in hand with a certain self-righteousness- we feel indignant about things that happen simply because we attach that particular thing to our self worth. In this case, it is nomination? In another, it could be affirmation. Yet in another it could be something else. But point is, simply, let nothing or no one be the measure of who you are. This is not nihilistic or buddhistic in perspective. This is simply, christian. Our measure, as our worth, must be that from God. We are who we are because He is Who Is.

Also, let us understand the heart of the matter in leadership, is really whether the leader's heart is in the matter. There is nothing more obstructive than someone with such gifted qualities without either the passion or gumption.

This note is not a reply, but a sharing to all who might in one way or another have similar feelings. "with power comes great responsibility". This is true. But be careful to equate responsibility with power, such that one without a certain responsibility is powerless? If i am not nominated, am i powerless to bring about change?
In secular organisations, it could be true. But not in community.

Difference is made not just by the handing of appointments or ranks, but in the subtle day to day exchanges, the quotidiary decisions, the quiet reflections and alacrity to be the smallest and humblest.
This is the christian paradox that is really one's life purpose to internalize. "to live you must die".

Jonathan Pillai's speech must have made a momentous impact on all. I was thrown aback as well. On one hand, we see how far we need go to be in authentic community. On another, we see how far we have come. So juggling vision and gratefulness, between beating ourselves up and becoming over lackadaisical, is really the delicate responsibility each of us have as members of the same body. And let me reiterate, its you, you and you who have to shoulder such encumbrance. How do you shoulder it? With honesty, with prayer, with humility and with grace.
God bless



Janice said...

what is lackadaisical???

so cheem! use english la!


Rachelle said...

go haha.

Marcus, i agree. Without responsibility does not mean we are powerless.

Truth is, I am fearful of what great trials awaits me. The community can NEVER move if responsibility was left to a few.