Nope, that's not a spelling error in the title. I wasn't intending to type 'Opera' in the sense of genre of music, but really, the Oprah Winfrey talkshow. Okay I admit to watching it, and it's actually damn interesting - not always about ditsy stuff.
Anway, today's episode featured this family (Catholic) who had lost a 14-year-old son in a plane crash. The mother was talking about her process of grieving, and how she was determined not to be angry and bitter at God. And how in that it had really helped the family get through in the healing process.
One thing she said really struck me. She said that in times of struggle, she found it important to remember that 'We are not human beings in a spiritual experience; We are spiritual beings in a human experience.'
Powerful isn't it.
I think it really applies to me in many ways. Today I went for the Penitential Service at IHM. The short powerpoint presentation they showed made me reflect on how my Lent had been, and I realised that I've been struggling how not to be indifferent to this season. Stuff at school and my final sem research paper have been convenient excuses to not take a deeper step into my faith this season. 

But really, I was stuck in the mindset that I was fully human and in that sense, was given the "permission" to slack off. It's really a challenge to acknowledge my identity as a child of God, a "spiritual being" who has to deal with "human experiences" everyday, yet has the opportunity to always turn back to Jesus at the end of it.
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