Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A different experience of reconciling my relationship with JESUS

Should I sound incoherent or don't make sense at any time, it's cos I'm writing this at work (yes, i shouldn't be doing so but the reports are boring me to tears!) and I need to be chop chop so I can get back to work heh.

Firstly, PRAISE GOD for shepherding us in our journey as community!!! How clearly I remember the time when MSC was facing a time of uncertainty: when our brothers and sister left (physically) to further build God's kingdom, when our place in the parish seemed precarious and when we seemed directionless. How God has led us to eventually forming a core team today... God is truly faithful and amazing!

Secondly, I think this blog is a good avenue for deeper sharing in our cell! Personally, I don't like the new arrangement where we've sharings on Sun before/after/during session... Not very conducive cos many a times I just want to rush through it or worst still not have sharing so we can all leave earlier! N everyone's so busy... Meeting up on another day to have our sharing isn't as feasible as THIS! Haha...

Thirdly (this is what I wanna share about actually), after going for Penetential last night, I felt a deep sense of calm and peace, light-heartedness, and was also reminded of God's compassion and love for me. You see, I've always struggled with going to priests whom I know or know me for confession. Somehow I consciously feel that they'll judge me and see me in a different light cos of my sins. I know they don't and won't but it's my own perception and I can't really help it... So last night when we couldn't really choose who we wanted to go to and the priests hearing confessions on my side were Fr Luke and Fr Bryan, I couldn't help but feel less eager to go up. And as I was queuing up, I secretly hoped I would end up at 2 the other 2 priests. But of course, like in previous expreiences, I'll always end up with who I don't want to go to! N once again, it was Fr Luke... But I praise and thank God for that experience becos through Fr Luke, I was shown of how compassionate God is! I can't really explain it but yes, God forgives and doesn't look at you in a different light no matter how far away we stray from him or how grave our mistakes may be. In the simple things that Fr. said, I was once again invited to be different. To be different from what the world deems as right or ok... It has been a long time since reconciliation was something really impactful in my walk. N in the final days leading to our Lord's passion, I'm heartened simply by the fact that this Lent was meaningful. Meaningful becos he gave me the chance to experience that intimate reconciliation with Him! Even though I wasn't in the desert with Jesus the past 40 days, I'm conforted that this Lent didn't just pass me by...

Thank you Jesus! =)

1 comment:

Janice said...

Praise God Marie!

I went for confession at SVDP. It was really good for me too. I think recon does wonders for our faith.. Don't know why we always so reluctant to go at times..

God's mercy and forgiveness is ever new.