Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Faith of Convenience or Inconvenient Faith?

Yesterday as i was laying in bed half awake, it dawned unto me how my faith may be out of convenience, serving God out of comfort and only to a limit where i am willing to. I realise that doing things that follows the church's norm may not realise its fullness if there is not transformation taking place in our hearts.

Going for sunday mass, saying my prayers at night, going for daily mass. Going for a bible study class or sharing group. Maybe talking to people abt God, or helping the poor. These above mention is Good in nature and in fact what we all shd do. But the question is, are we feeling comfortable with doing all these and getting too used to them? Meaning, are these "stuff" we do just out of convenience, out of our own comforts or even habits?

What really struck me was that am i getting too comfortable?! What is an Inconvenient Faith then? It is a faith that rips us apart! tears our garments and kills us! haha sounds scary? An inconvenient faith is one that challenges us to do what we do out of our norms, and comforts. One that causes us to struggle in giving because its something that we are not willing to. Going out of our way for people, for service and for building God's Kingdom. Die to thy self so that we will rise with him. By dying, we lose ourselves so that Jesus will rise in us. Only then can transformation take place. I am sure we are very familiar with this phrase but how many of us "die" in our daily lifes?

Now the challenge i pose for myself this that if i get too comfortable with my life and with the things i do then there must be something wrong with my spiritual life. Either i am not growing or i am complacent. Maybe then my faith has been one of convenience after all....


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